Do some research ahead of time and look for dining credits and coupons for your destination. You can also save a lot of money by getting advice about where to eat before you depart. This is better than asking for recommendations when you are already hungry and in a strange place.
Try using the roll technique for packing clothes into your bags for your trips. This generally saves more space and time than with traditionally folding the clothes. You can even fit more clothes in your bag this way. By rolling the clothes up in tissue paper, you can also prevent them from getting too many wrinkles.
If you are leaving the country, make a copy of your passport to take with you. If you happen to misplace your original passport, it will make getting a new one a much simpler process. The two minutes that it will take for you to make the copy will likely save you hours when getting it replaced during your travels.
When going on a road trip, think ahead and pack a cooler full of drinks and snacks for the trip. You are bound to get hungry along the way, especially if it is a long distance trip. Many people don't think about doing this and have to stop and waste money at some stores along the way for goodies that could have easily been packed prior to leaving.
If you plan on traveling to a different continent, make sure you get the necessary shots before going. Your body might not be used to these foreign diseases and you would find yourself extremely weakened if you got sick, not to mention that certain diseases are lethal. Ask your doctor about what kind of shots you should get.
Another good way to get some sleep on an airplane is by using headphones or ear plugs. This will drown out the constant engine noise and also the little kids and talkative adults on the plane. You will be able to relax and get some much needed rest.
Make sure to get your credit cards in order while traveling. Check your limits and meticulously stay below them- Americans have been arrested for accidentally exceeding their card limit while traveling abroad. Also be sure to know in advance how to report a stolen card; an 800 number will not work overseas, so you'll need to know an international number.
As you can see, there are a lot of things to think about to stay safe when traveling, whether you're planning a trip or are already at the destination. Make sure to keep this article as a checklist so you can be sure not to forget anything you need to stay safe.
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